Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2012
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Strut Meetings / Events 2012
18th December 2012 Strut meeting - at Crowfield for the annual Christmas Quiz !!

Meet from 7:30pm, with Quiz starting around 8:00pm.

Drinks and nibbles will be provided - although if you are planning on attending could you please let Tony ( ) know so that can he arrange the right amount of catering !
21st November 2012 Strut Meeting - Start 7:30pm - Flitzer Visit

Strut Member Adam Wankowska has offered to open up his workshop at his home in Stowmarket so that we can visit to view the progress he is making on building a Flitzer.

For those who don't know what Flitzer is :

The workshop heated, but small and being full of the fuselage will only take 4-5 people at a time. So we will have to split into small groups to view the workshop. While waiting the others can enjoy a beer/coffee in the house and browse Adam's collection of Edwardian flying books and review the Flitzer build plans....

17th October 2012 Strut Meeting - Start 7:30pm - Club House Crowfield

Talk by Group Captain Tom Eeles :

Canberras in the Far East during Indonesian Confrontation 1965

8th September 2012 Strut Day at Boxted - Chance for members (and a few invited guests) to have a relaxing day at Boxted with a BBQ and some flying - including an aerial Navigation Competition

For those flying in click the link for Pilot & Airfield info - Frequency 121.175

15th August 2012 Strut Meeting - Casual get together for chat, drink and swim (if you are brave enough)

Glenn will have Barbecue hot and suggest everyone brings what they want to put on it.

Address is;-
Green Farm House
The Green

You can see it on Google Maps, driveway entrance


At the crossroads where the B1078 (Coddenham to Wickham Market) and the B1077 Ipswich to Helmingham meet, take the B1077 North towards Helmingham.

500 yards up you will find the Wildlife Trust on left. About 100 yards further on Right is entrance to drive where I will hang a windsock.

Come down drive--plenty room to park

18th July 2012 Strut Meeting - As nothing has has been forthcoming for the July meeting, we will "skip" this month, treating the Boxted Fly-in as having been the July "meeting"....

23rd June 2012 Strut Fly-out to Debach.

Another visit has been arrange by Mick Miles for us to Debach Airfield, by air or by road, to view the Museum and to have a BBQ

Arrive between 11.00 and 12.00 - Use Safety Comm (135.475) - and caution Monewden about a mile to the north.

A look around the museum and exhibits, will be followed at about 13:00 by a BBQ lunch.

The guys at Debach will provide the BBQ facilities. We will just need to bring our own food and cook it on the BBQ. Don't forget some Rolls

Drinks and snacks can be purchased in the cafe

For those flying in the 06/24 strip is 500m in length. Details include airfield layout can be found on the airfield plate (pdf 402kb)

Google maps satellite view

Aircraft Parking will be on the hard areas at the each end of the runway, which means there will be no need to back track on landing. If more space is needed at the 06 end we can also use the old roadway. Although these areas have lots of loose stones and is NOT suitable for taxiing with the engine running, so aircraft will need to stop on the grass at the end of the airstrip and then be pulled/pushed onto the parking area and back again for departure.

There will be two helpers at the end of the runway to assist pulling/pushing the aircraft off the grass and onto the parking area. If you have a portable towbar it might be useful bring this along.

Map showing parking areas (pdf 334kb)

20th June 2012 Strut Meeting - Drinks & chat the Sorrel Horse from 7:30pm....

Also a chance to go over plans for the Boxted fly-in on 7th July

19th May 2012 Fly-out/visit to Audley End to visit Vintage Fabrics Aircraft Services (VFAS)

Arrive from 11am, with the aim to start the group tour about midday once everyone has arrived.

Unfortunately there is not a local pub we can easily go to, so bring your own picnic.

For those flying in DO NOT phone the number published in (some of) the flight guides as this is the Audley End Estate, and while they will give permission, they will also charge a landing fee.

VFAS operates the airfield on behalf of the estate and as we are visiting them they know we are coming so no need to phone for PPR.

They will not be charging us a landing fee, although as they are hosting our visit I suggest we have a collection to give to them as a donation to their supported charity (Carver Barracks Injured Soldiers Fund)

Audley End Airfield is located to the south west of Saffron Walden, on the western border of the Stansted CTR.

Also remember that there is a TMZ under the northern CTA - TMZ pdf guide

No need to call Stansted, but please use Safety Comm (135.475) so we can co-ordinate between ourselves

Do not fly over Audley End House, or Saffron Walden High School and avoid overflying residential areas (see Satellite MAP)

Runway: 800m Grass 18 up-slope/36 down-slope - All Circuits to the WEST

Landing 36 - needs to be quite a tight final turn due to the CTR. Tall trees located at the threshold.

Landing 18 - Trees and buildings can cause wind curl - Pete suggests approaching to left of the runway, close to school (but not over) which can reduce the wind effect.

There is a up-slope on the first half (550m) of the 18 runway and then it levels out. Normal operation, even with slight tail wind, is to land up-slope 18 and Take-off 36 when you can usually get airborne before you get to the start of the down-slope.

On Saturday you can call Pete Wood of VFAS on 07803 581739 to get a briefing on wind conditions and advice and which runway direction to use for landing. He flies an Cherokee Arrow from Audley End.

Arriving by road - Post code for GPS is CB11 4LH

Satellite MAP

On the day, or in fact anytime, I can be contacted on 07790 925142, or by email at , for updates on ETA, any change of plan etc

16th May 2012 BBQ at Crowfield.

This is being held in conjunction with Andrew Williamson and he is inviting the aircraft owners that are based at the airfield as well so a great PR opportunity and a chance to recruit some of them to join the strut!

Food and soft drinks will be provided and we will be starting earlier than normal at 6:30pm as that will give time hopefully for some flying to take place but the BBQ will be kept running for at least a couple of hours if you need to arrive later.

PLEASE can you let () know if you plan to attend so that he can organise the right amount of food

18th April 2012 Strut Fly-out - Norwich ATC & Museum Visit

Update Friday 20:30 - Although the forecast is still a little uncertain and unsettled, the general opinion appears that the showers shouldn't be so widespread on Sunday, so after a call with Tony and Mick the decision for now is to still go head with the visit on Sunday - although by road if necessary.

The tour of the Tower should, in theory, take about an hour, although Ian McDowell (Norwich ATC) said it never does and with questions will more often runs to 90 minutes

So the plan is for those in the first group to arrive so that their tour can start at 10:30. As the museum won't be open, everyone else can then arrive any time during the morning (so spreading the arrivals), but BEFORE midday, when they will be split into Groups 2 and 3.

Group 1 should be finished by 12:00 so that Group 2 tour can start at 12:15, while Groups 1 and 3 can go to the museum (which will now be open). Group 3 should then get back to the tower for their tour at 14:00.

So That allows 90 mins for each tour, plus a 15 min buffer - although this can be flexible. Of course this all depends on the weather.

On the day, or in fact anytime, I can be contacted on 07790 925142, or by email at , for updates on ETA, any change of plan etc

Don't forget the PDF Pilots Guide of the new airspace with photos of the VRP points

Note: Norwich Airport is a Hi-Viz Zone, so Hi-Viz vests will be required to be worn by everyone airside.... Hopefully everybody has one, but if not Pete has agreed to bring along the ones he has for our use at Boxted.

Aircraft parking will not be at the normal GA area, but on the North side near the Control tower which is next to the Museum - so not far to walk between the two.
Google Map of Tower & Museum

Directions for Arrival by Road - Northbound out of Norwich on the A140 Cromer Road, past the Airport following signs for the Norwich Aviation Museum. Turn right off A140 into Horsham St Faith and the right again down a country lane going past the entrance to the Museum and ATC is on the left hand side. For those with SatNav NR10 3JF should get you pretty close. There is an intercom outside the gate, just press the button and explain who you are and they will let you in.

18th April 2012 Strut Meeting - The Strut AGM will take place on Wednesday 18th April, 7.30 pm, at Crowfield Club house.

It would be great for as many as possible of you to come along and help shape the strut activities for the coming year.

14th March 2012

Note :
this is a week earlier than our normal 3rd Wed meeting date
Strut Meeting -7.30 pm (sharp), at Crowfield Club house

Norwich Airspace Presentation

Phil Langley, General Manager of Norwich Air Traffic Services, will be coming down to give a presentation and Q&A session on the introduction of Class 'D' airspace around Norwich.

It had been hoped for Phil to give the Presentation at the January meeting but he was unable to make that date. The next available month for us was March (Feb being Safety evening and meal), but unfortunately again Phil couldn't make the date of our normal 3rd Wednesday of the month meeting. With the April meeting being the AGM the next available month for us would then be May.

Phil said he could make Wednesday 14th March - although this is a week earlier than our normal meeting date it was agreed at the January meeting to go with this date rather than wait until May (or later) as the Airspace becomes active in March.

21st February 2012

Note :
this is the TUESDAY of the week after our normal 3rd Wed meeting date

Starting at 19:30 (sharp), please note it will NOT be held at Crowfield Club house but in
The Mulberry Suite at Greshams Sports Club, Tuddenham Road, Ipswich, IP4 3QJ

Greshams is located North Ipswich off the A1214 (Old Ipswich Bypass) in Tuddenham Road. After half a mile, go over the railway bridge, and just past Seven Hockey Club, Grehams is on the right, opposite the Millennium Cemetery.

The Mulberry Suite is the furthest building in the row from the road, and as indicated by the 'A' arrow on this Google Map

There is a bar on site for drinks and meals: Lounge & Bar Menu

This evening will be open to non-members, so all welcome.
There will not be a charge for entry

15th February 2012 Strut meal and social evening

Following a discussion at the Januarys strut meeting it was agreed to again arrange an evening meal / social evening for strut members, partners and friends.

This will be held on 15th February (the normal strut evening) at The Highwayman on the A140 near to Crowfield from 7pm, dining at 8pm.

The menu options are as follows:

  • Lentil and vegetable soup with fresh bread roll
  • Parma ham annd melon salad
  • Crayfish salad with Thai sweet chilli and lime dressing
  • Duck liver pate salad, plum chutney & toast
Main Courses
  • Grilled free-range chicken supreme with sun dried tomato and mozzarella
  • Beef Bourguignonne (beef in red wine) with winter vegetables
  • Grilled salmon fillet with hollandaise sauce
  • Vegetable gratin topped with cheese, served with salad
  • Sirloin steak, dauphinoise potatoes, wild mushroom and whisky sauce (£2 supplement)
  • White chocolate and raspberry cheesecake
  • Apple pie and custard
  • Vanilla creme brulee
The cost will be £22 per person and as as in previous years the strut will pay for drinks on arrival.

Please let Tony Turner () know if you want to attend and your menu choices by 4th February at the latest please.

18th January 2012 Strut Meeting - As the plans for a talk for this months meeting have failed to materialise, it will be down to the Sorrel Horse for a New Year drinks and chat from 7:30pm....