Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2024
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Strut Meetings / Events 2024
11th Dec 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Christmas Social

Annual Chairman's Quiz and Christmas nibbles - always good fun!

Note: This is a week earlier than teh normal 3rd Wednesday meeting.
20th Nov 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - GASCo Safety Evening

For the November meeting we welcome Rod Dean who will be giving a talk on “Flying and Displaying Vintage Piston Aircraft”.

Rod has been involved in aviation for over 60 years as both an RAF fast jet pilot and, for 40 years, as a display pilot, mainly flying vintage piston and jet engine aircraft.

As you might expect he has many varied talks, but for our first one he will be exploring his last 30 years display flying classic vintage aircraft such as the Mustang, Hurricane, Spitfire and many others, including technical reviews of a number of the big piston engine fighters.

16th Oct 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - GASCo Safety Evening

Although we held a record breaking on-line Safety Evening in January 2021, the last time we had one in person was back in March 2017, so this is well over due.

18th Sep 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - The Avro Vulcan

Presentation by Richard Clarkson from Southend Vulcan Restoration Trust, on the design, development and roles of the Vulcan, along with the work on restoring XL426 to ground running condition.

21st Aug 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Video Evening

Showing of the documentary "B-25 Mitchells Do Fly IMC" which is a fascinating look at how a group of very tired B-25 Mitchells were ferried across the Atlantic for the filming of 'Hanover Street'.

17th July 2024
starting 6pm
Strut Meeting - Visit to TLAC

A visit for 6pm on Wednesday 17th July has been arranged to vist The Light Aircraft Compnay (TLAC), and as they are based on the airfield flying in would be possible.

As well as their own Sherwood Scout/Cub/Ranger aircraft they are the UK Distributor for the C-42 & Shark - If the Shark demonstrator is present then seeing that is worth the visit alone.

6th June 2024
starting 6pm
Strut EVENT - Annual Flyin at Monewden

Please note that due to Unforeseen circumstances this event has been CANCELLED

19th June 2024
starting 5:30pm
Strut Meeting - Evening Flyout to Yarmouth Heliport

As the June meeting almost coincides with the longest day, the June meeting will be an evening fly-out (or drive!)

At the AGM the suggestion was to try the recently re-opened Gt Yarmouth (the old North Denes) Airfield. The Priory Farm Flyers held a successful fly-out to here on 12 May with 16 aircraft, and on contacting Kevin Frostick he said they would be more than happy to accommodate us and supply drinks.

Suggestion is to arrive 17:30 onwards, and if there is agreement to do Fish 'n' Chips (or similar) - although rather than walking into town (like the famous Clacton fly-out), we could order it to be delivered (Kevin has even offered to pop out and pick it up)

Runways 09/27 Full length useable 600m (between the numbers 450m)
All circuits are Left hand
SAFETYCOM (135.480)

Landing Fee: Light Aircraft £10; Helicopter £15

11th May 2024
09:00 to 15:00
Strut Meeting - Youth Day at Monewden

The guest speaker pencilled in for the May meeting couldn't make in the end and having tried a few other local ones on the list but they weren't available to step in at the short notice. Therefore for May there will not be a meeting at the village hall.

Although as Mick has been able to round up enough Scouts to be able to run the proposed Young Person’s Aviation Activities Day, this will be going ahead at Monewden on SATURDAY 11th of May.

While he has recruited enough Strut Volunteers to run the various activity sessions, it would still be good to have a few more helpers available on the day.

Therefore this event will be the meeting for May. It will run from 09:00 to 15:00, so if you feel like popping along, even if for only a couple of hours, to help and/or socialise then please do.

17th April 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - AGM

As now well established the April Meeting will be the Annual General Meeting of the Suffolk Coastal Strut.

Please come along and support YOUR Strut at the AGM - As well as the general running of the Strut (appointment of officers, agreeing this years membership fee, etc), it's the time everyone can put forward their ideas for meetings, fly-outs, visits etc for the forthcoming year, plus go over plans for this years Strut Fly-in on 6th July at Monewden and AOB anyone may have....

20th March 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Annual Social & Buffet

Evening social with a finger buffet to which partners/guests are most welcome.
A great opportunity to get to know other strut members

21st February 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - East Anglian Air Ambulance by Andrew Caldecott

Talk on history and operations of the East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA). On contacting the EAAA to request for a talk, found that the local volunteer was one of our members - Andrew Caldecott, who has agreed to give the talk

EAAA Helicopter at Ipswich Hospital (© Martyn Steggalls)
17th January 2024
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Folland Gnat by Tom Eeles

Group Captain Tom Eeles make a welcome return to give a talk on the Folland Gnat. Some years ago Tom gave talks on "Flying the Buccaneer" & "Canberra's in the Far East".

Folland Gnat G-RORI at our Boxted Flyin/Air Display in 2006 (© Martyn Steggalls)