Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2017
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Strut Meetings / Events 2017
20th December 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

The December meeting is the annual Christmas drinks and nibbles combined with the Chairman's Quiz, or as it is this year the Vice Chairman's Quiz (as Mick still has the dubious honour of preparing this!)...

This is very much a social evening so partners and friends most welcome to come along and join in the fun

15th November 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

Local aviation enthusiast Colin Potter will be coming along to give a presentation on the history of Channel Airways in East Anglia.

18th October 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

Terry Dann will be coming along to give a presentation on the rebuild of his Tiger Moth G-AIDS

20th September 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

As autumn approaches we are now back into meetings at the Crowfield club house on 3rd Wednesday with guest speakers.

For September our main speaker is local pilot Andy Hawes who will be giving a talk on flying Gyros

Although initially Richard Turner from Boxted Airfield Historical Group (BAHG) will be giving a brief presentation on their plans for next years 75th anniversary of the airfield, and to see what help the Strut can give toward this event.

As we have quite a bit to get through would like to try and get the meeting started promptly at 7:30pm

13th July 2016

Note :
this is a week later than the normal meeting date
Strut Meeting - Glenn's Place from 6:30pm

Glenn has offered his place up again this year for a casual get together for chat, drinks, BBQ, swim/Jacuzzi (if you are brave enough), or a game of Croquet...

The Barbecue will be hot, so bring your own meat and don't forget some rolls etc.

Address is;-
Green Farm House
The Green

You can see it on Google Maps, driveway entrance


At the crossroads where the B1078 (Coddenham to Wickham Market) and the B1077 Ipswich to Helmingham meet, take the B1077 North towards Helmingham.

500 yards up you will find the Wildlife Trust on left. About 100 yards further on Right is entrance to drive where (hopefully) there will be a windsock.

Come down drive--plenty room to park

21st June 2017 Strut Meeting - Fly/Drive out to Rougham

The June meeting which will be an evening Fly-out/Drive-out to Rougham to visit the Control Tower Museum.

This event has been designated as one of the county wide events of 'Suffolk Day' and the museum will be open all day. Therefore you can fly (or drive) in at any time, although for our gathering it would be good if people could arrange to be there early evening, when Rougham will lay on food in the Tea Room, and if there is enough interest a BBQ (Burgers & Hot-dogs) at approx £3

Would suggest from 6pm onwards as this then gives time and enough light for those flying in to get back home.

The Airfield is unlicensed and operates on Safety comm 135.475 at all times.

Runway 09 TORA 780m, LDA 910m, runway 27 TORA 930m, LDA 760m. Runway is 18m wide, with adjacent full-length taxiway and good airfield signage and runway marker cones. Elevation 200' AMSL

09/27 are RH circuits with 1500ft overhead join to avoid local MATZ and 1000ft circuit height. Avoid the school at the 09 end and try to avoid overflying housing on Moreton Hall estate.

There is a small part of the old concrete runway still in existence, close to the windsock situated on the north side of the runway but it doesn't interfere with arrival and departures. If landing on 09 suggest land to the right or just after it.

Visitor Parking is marked in front of the flying club port-a-cabin

Full airfield details are in Pooley's and AFE flight guides, although plate can be views here: Rougham Plate

Note that PPR will still be required, although if you let Martyn Steggalls () know details (Aircraft, POB, ETA) I will pass then on en-bloc.

Landing fee will be £10

If Driving Sat Nav postcode is IP32 7YB. Note this may try to take you off the A14 at Rougham Estate junction (45) and round the north of the airfield. Ignore this and exit at the A134 Junction (44). On arriving at the IP32 7YB (Bury Audi dealership) roundabout go over and head east along the new link road towards the red grain silo visible ahead on the Rougham trading estate, passing the new Sybil Andrews academy to your left. At the next roundabout turn left onto the airfield. Some of the road is marked as Closed/No Entry.

Therefore if you you are intending to come along by air or road please let Martyn Steggalls () know by Sat 17th so they can decide if there are enough attending to do the BBQ

17th May 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

For the May meeting with have a talk/presentation by Capt Bryan Pill on the life of a bush pilot with the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

Bryan has worked full time for 25 years with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). For 22 of them he has been a commercial bush pilot operating single engine piston and turbine aircraft mainly in Africa, particularly Chad, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda. Twelve of these he spent based with his family in Tanzania, Uganda, including 2 years operating a floatplane in Bangladesh, subsequent years have been as support pilot in various other African programs. This has given him a wealth of experience in STOL operations off unimproved airstrips, lakes and rivers.

He is still a current pilot but has recently now moved to a ground based HR type role and gives talks on desert, jungle and float plane operations providing a technical and practical insight into single crew operations with MAF who have a fleet of over 135 small aircraft in 26 countries, partnering with over 1500 organisations many of which are household names.

The talk will be both entertaining and informative to aviator and non-aviator alike giving his insights into the bush pilot's life working with some remarkable people in some amazing places endeavouring to bring help, hope and healing to some of the world's remotest communities.

Bryan is not making a charge for his talk for getting to Crowfield, although there will be a collection for donations to MAF on the evening.

12th April 2017

Note: This is a week earlier than the normal 3rd Wednesday
Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

Strut AGM - Please come along and support your strut - As well as the general running of the Strut, it's the time everyone can put forward their ideas for meetings, fly-outs, visits etc for the forthcoming year, plus go over plans for this years Boxted Fly-in.

15th March 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

GASCo Safety Evening - Aim is to get pilots, no matter how long they have been flying or what aircraft type they fly, to STOP and THINK about how they can make their future flying a bit safer, for themselves and others. This presentation should be highly informative, balancing serious safety messages with lively audience participation.

All Welcome. Open to non-Strut members and anyone with an interest in safety.

15th February 2017 Strut meal and social evening

This will be held on Wednesday 15th February at The Highwayman on the A140 near to Crowfield Airfield.

As in previous years, partners are very welcome and the strut will pay for drinks on arrival.

The cost of the meal this year is £29.95 per head (NB: there is a £3 supplement on the Rib-eye steak)

The ground floor of the restaurant has been booked which seats up to 30 people

Please let Tony Turner () know of your intention to attend or not ASAP and send Tony your menu choices by 6th February at the VERY LATEST!

Menu       download menu as a pdf file


All our salads are dressed with homemade dressing, extra virgin olive oil & balsamic vinegar
  • Cream of vegetable soup with fresh bread roll & butter
  • Highland smoked salmon & crayfish with sweet chilli sauce
  • Antipasto – selection of Italian cured meats, salad, olives & sun-blushed tomato
Main Courses

All main courses are served with potatoes and seasonal vegetables
  • Grilled free-range chicken supreme on a bed of puy lentils casserole
  • Rib-eye steak, chips, salad, mushrooms and peas (£3 supplement)
  • Red lentil & aubergine moussaka
  • Steak, mushroom & Guinness pie
  • Lemon cheesecake
  • Vanilla crème Brûlée
  • Cheese and Biscuits Platter
Tea or Coffee

  • All items on the menu are subject to availability.
  • All our Eggs are Free-Range.
  • All our Meat and Poultry is purchased from local farms and suppliers.
  • Some dishes might contain nuts therefore, if you are allergic to any foods please advise us at the time of ordering.
  • We are able to adapt some meals to suit your needs, please ask at time of ordering if it is possible.
  • All our meals are freshly prepared so please allow a little extra time for this.
18th January 2017 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

Strut Members Adam & Heather Wankowska and Dot Mathie will be giving a talk/presentation on their flying in NZ in November 2015