Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2014
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Strut Meetings / Events 2014
17th December 2014
Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Annual Christmas drinks and nibbles combined with a Quiz devised by Mick Gill and Dave Trouse - but don't forget the Judges decision is final!

Very much a social evening so partners and friends most welcome to come along and join in the fun

19th November 2014
Strut Meeting -Informal get together - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

This month we have a talk & presentation on the history of Ipswich Airport by John Griffiths. John was an instructor with Horizon Flying Club at Ipswich Airport and now works at the Ipswich Transport Museum, where he has set up display area on the Airport and written a booklet for the museum on the Airports History.

As usual when we have a guest speaker we would like to get the proceedings started as soon as possible after 7:30pm - Thanks

15th October 2014
Strut Meeting -Informal get together - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

Unfortunately we don't have anything planned for this months meeting, so we'll just have an informal get together at Crowfield Cubhouse (from 7:30pm) and then probably decamp to the pub!

21st September 2014 Strut Fly-out to Debach.

Another visit has been arrange by Mick Miles for us to Debach Airfield, by air or by road, to view the Museum and to have a BBQ

For those wanting to flyin, this could be your last chance as we have been informed the strip will revert to farming in October.

£10 donation per aircraft/car towards the museum funds.

Arrive between 11.00 and 12.00 - Use Safety Comm (135.475) - and caution Monewden about a mile to the north.

The guys at Debach will provide the BBQ facilities. We will just need to bring our own food and cook it on the BBQ. Don't forget some Rolls

Drinks and snacks can be purchased in the cafe

For those flying in the 06/24 strip is 500m in length. Details include airfield layout can be found on the airfield plate (pdf 402kb)

Google maps satellite view

Aircraft Parking will be on the hard areas at the each end of the runway, which means there will be no need to back track on landing. If more space is needed at the 06 end we can also use the old roadway. Although these areas have lots of loose stones and is NOT suitable for taxiing with the engine running, so aircraft will need to stop on the grass at the end of the airstrip and then be pulled/pushed onto the parking area and back again for departure.

There will be two helpers at the end of the runway to assist pulling/pushing the aircraft off the grass and onto the parking area. If you have a portable towbar it might be useful bring this along.

Map showing parking areas (pdf 334kb)

UPDATE - For those coming by road the entrance in use will NOT be the one off the main B1078, but the one in Drabbs Lane. This is the first turning on the left as you enter Drabbs Lane from the B1078 ( Otley/Charsfield Road ). It is signposted on the gate. Then drive to your right, past the farm buildings and then look for the Control Tower on your right, down the old taxiway.

Google maps with Drabbs Lane entrance marked

17th September 2014
Strut Meeting -Lightning Talk - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

This month we have a talk & presentation from a local ex-Lightning pilot Hedley Molland. After flying Lightnings for the RAF for 5 years, including from Wattisham, he then spent 13 years as an instructor on Lightnings with the Royal Saudi Air Force.

While with 111 squadron Hedley ejected after a double flame out on final approach to Wattisham. He also has one of highest number of hours as a Lightning pilot.

As usual when we have a guest speaker we would like to get the proceedings started as soon as possible after 7:30pm - Thanks

20th August 2014 Strut Meeting - Glenn's Place from 6:30pm

Glenn has offered his place up again this year for a casual get together for chat, drinks, BBQ, swim/Jacuzzi (if you are brave enough), or a game of Croquet...

The Barbecue will be hot, so bring your own meat and don't forget some rolls etc.

Address is;-
Green Farm House
The Green

You can see it on Google Maps, driveway entrance


At the crossroads where the B1078 (Coddenham to Wickham Market) and the B1077 Ipswich to Helmingham meet, take the B1077 North towards Helmingham.

500 yards up you will find the Wildlife Trust on left. About 100 yards further on Right is entrance to drive where (hopefully) there will be a windsock.

Come down drive--plenty room to park

16th July 2014 Strut Meeting - Visit to Seeting to view Sonx build - from 6pm Tim Mobbs has invited strut members to Seething to see the progress he is making on his Sonex build.

Other home building LAA Members with aircraft at Seething (FRED, 2xRV7 and 2XRV9A) will be also there to show and talk about their builds.

The airfield will be open for airborne arrivals, so as anyone flying in will need to get back to home base before dusk, Tim will be there from 6pm. Food is also being laid on

Post Code for Seething to NR15 1EL, but note that Google Maps this pin points to an entrance that has NO access to the airfield - see Tim's directions below

Please let me () or Tim () know if you planning to come along, so Tim has an idea of how much food to arrange.

Hopefully see you there

Message from Tim

Kathy & I will be at the airfield from 18:00 and I will invite my fellow builders to be there from then, though I originally told them 19:00 so they might not all be able to make it quite so early. I will establish myself in my workshop in hangar 5 and Kathy will set up the food in the club house. As the other builders arrive they will open up their hangars ready to talk about their builds.

I suggest that as people arrive they pop in to see each of the aircraft and talk to the builders as they want. There will be no formal talks. They can take some food at any point as the mood takes them . The food ( quiches, salad, nibbles etc.) and tea / coffee will be free. Any alcoholic drinks will have to be paid for.

It would be helpful if people tell me by the day before, if they are coming so I can get an appropriate amount of food in

Seething is open to airborne arrivals all daylight hours but the ground radio is unlikely to be manned. Arriving pilots should broadcast their position and intentions blind the "Seething Radio / Seething traffic" on 122.6.

The road gate is usually closed about 18:00. Obviously it will be open on Wednesday till the last visitor has left. People routing East along the A143 should take the B1332 north from the second Bungay roundabout (also known as "Chicken roundabout" though the chickens have gone). They should drive north towards Norwich for about 2.5 miles as far as the "Mermaid Balti House"on the left at which point they turn right off the B1332 and wend their way for almost two more miles, to a four-way intersection. They should then turn right onto Toad Lane.The airfield road entrance is about 300 yards along Toad lane, on the left, immediately beside the WW2 Control tower. On entering the airfield follow the perimeter track round to the club-house and car park. But beware that in so doing you will cross the middle of Runway 13-31 and will cross the threshold of the main runway 24-06. You must STOP and LOOK BOTH WAYS before crossing either runway

22nd June 2014
Strut Outing - Guided tour of Shuttleworth Museum

Arrive between 11 -12 for lunch

Guided tour of collection at 2pm

On arrival, please tell them you are part of the Suffolk Coastal Strut group and you will get the discounted admission price of £8.

If you want to fly in then simply call them on the day for PPR.

18th June 2014
Strut Meeting - Flight to Isle of Colonsay Talk - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

For this months meeting, strut members Heather & Adam will be giving a presentation and talk about the flights they have made in their Auster up to the Isle of Colonsay in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland.

13th June 2014
Strut Outing - Gliding Evening at Tibenham from 5pm

The gliding evening at Tibbenham is confirmed for Friday 13th June. In order to get as many launches in as possible please aim to arrive by 5pm if at all possible.

Directions to drive

Cost is £20 per person plus £8:50 per winch launch. Assuming 10 - 15 people it should be possible to fit in 2 launches per person.

It should be possible to fly in - however you must call them for PPR on 01379 677207

22nd May 2014

Note : This is the THURSDAY rather than the normal Wednesday
Strut Meeting - BBQ 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Food and soft drinks will be provided by the Strut. Serving expected to start at about 7:30pm, although hopefully if the weather is good people may be around earlier for some flying to take place.

If you are planning to fly don't forget to book your movement slot with the Airfield office - (01449) 711017

16th April 2014 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

The Strut AGM - It would be great for as many as possible of the members to come along and help shape the strut activities for the coming year.

19th March 2014 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

Glyn Jones from Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) will be coming along to give a talk on their Aviation operations.

MAF are a dynamic Christian organisation operating more than 130 aircraft in around 25 countries in the developing world. Flying across hostile environments, they reach the world’s most isolated people.

18th February 2014

Note :
this is the TUESDAY of our normal 3rd Wed meeting date
Strut meal and social evening

This will be held on TUESDAY 19th February at The Highwayman on the A140 near to Crowfield.

As in previous years, partners are very welcome and the strut will pay for drinks on arrival.

The cost of the meal this year is £25.95 per head (with a supplement for the steak option) and I think it would also be fair for everyone to add £1 to this for service.

Please can you let Tony Turner () know of your intention to attend or not ASAP and send me your menu choices by 10th February at the VERY LATEST! please.

We will be using the basement restaurant so can go up to 50 people if we get the demand.


All salads are dressed with homemade dressing, extra virgin olive oil & balsamic vinegar
  • Cream of Vegetable Soup with fresh bread roll & butter
  • Grilled Goats Cheese with honey, walnuts & salad
  • Smoked Salmon & Crayfish served with sweet chilli & lime dressing
Main Courses

All main courses are served with potatoes and seasonal vegetables
  • Steak Mushroom & Guinness Pie
  • Rib Eye Steak with chips, salad, fried onions & mushrooms (£2.75 supplement)
  • Freerange Chicken Supreme served with Puy lentils & pancetta casserole
  • Winter Vegetable Gratin with cheese topping
  • Sticky Toffee Pudding with toffee sauce & vanilla ice cream
  • Vanilla Crème Brulee
  • Selection of Cheese & Biscuits
  • All items on the menu are subject to availability.
  • All Eggs used are Free-Range.
  • All Meat and Poultry is purchased from local farms and suppliers.
  • Some dishes might contain Nuts therefore, if you are allergic to any foods please advise Tony at the time of ordering.
  • Some meals are able to be adpated to suit your needs, please ask at time of ordering if it is possible.
15th January 2014 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

We have nothing specific planned for the January meeting, so as this seems to be a common theme of late we will use the January meeting to brain storm and draw up a new list of ideas and hopefully assign people to organise them

Over the last couple of years we gained quite a few new members, so we could even repeat some of the things we have done in the past?