Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2022
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Strut Meetings / Events 2022
14 Dec 2022 Strut Meeting - Chairman Quiz & Nibbles

Strut meeting at Stonham village hall for the annual Chairman's Quiz & Nibbles. Mick has an easy ride this year, as we can use the Quiz he prepared for last year, but didn't use as the meeting was cancelled due to COVID!!

16 Nov 2022 Strut Meeting - Talk on London-Sydney Air Race

Strut meeting at Stonham village hall where Strut member Paul Smiddy will be giving a talk on the 2001 London-Sydney Air Race, in which he participated.

19 Oct 2022 Strut Meeting - Drinks & Chat at the Pub

Unfortunatly as it has not been possible to arrange a guest speaker for this months meeting, it will be another Drinks & Chat at The Highwayman Pub

21 Sep 2022 Strut Meeting - Talk on Orford Ness

Strut meeting at Stonham village hall where Peter Whiley, a National Trut guide, will be coming along to give talk on the Military History of Orford Ness

17 Aug 2022 Strut Meeting - Drinks & Chat at the Pub

As we don't have anything planned for this months meeting, it will just be Drinks & Chat at The Highwayman Pub

9 July 2022 Strut Event - Annual Flyin at Monewden

The Suffolk Coastal Struts annual event - The 'Spirit of Boxted' Flyin at Monewden Airfield.

If you wish to flyin please register on our website

15 June 2022
starting 6pm
Strut Meeting - Visit to Bentwaters Cold War Museum (BCWM)

Unfortunately not enough people came forward for the Gliding evening to make it viable, therefore reluctantly this had had to cancel this.

So we now have an alternative plan for the June meeting. One of the suggestions put forward earlier this year was a visit to the Bentwaters Cold War Museum (BCWM). It is while since we last went here, plus we have lots of new members join since since. It just so happens the the Ipswich Aviation Society (IAS) have a visit planned for the evening of Wed 15 June - what would be date of our normal meeting. Therefore having a joint visit would help boost numbers making it worth while for BCWM to open.

If you wish to comw along then please arrange to meet in the BCWM car park at 6pm where the plan is to be split into groups, to rotate on visits to the museum and the HAS. Cost will be £10 per person.

18 May 2022
from 5:30pm
Strut Meeting - Strut BBQ at Monewden

For the May meeting, we will be holding a STRUT MEMBERS BBQ at MONEWDEN Airfield.

This will give a chance for members old & new to mix and get to know each other.

Note that as this is an evening event with limited time for cooking food etc, and hopefully a good number of member will attend, this will be for Strut Members only - no partners or plus ones.

Food and soft drinks will be provided by the Strut. Serving expected to start at about 6:30pm, although turn up anytime from 5:30pm onwards.

Steve has agreed that those who wish to can fly-in, and for those coming by road, the entrance will be via the airfield gate (NOT the entrance for Steve's house)

13 April 2022
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - AGM

As now well established the April Meeting will be the Annual General Meeting of the Suffolk Coastal Strut - although please Note that this will be on the 2nd Wednesday of the month instead of the normal 3rd Wednesday

Please come along and support YOUR Strut at the AGM - As well as the general running of the Strut, it's the time everyone can put forward their ideas for meetings, fly-outs, visits etc for the forthcoming year, plus go over plans for this years Strut Fly-in at Monewden on 9th July and AOB anyone may have....

16th March 2022
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Film Night

Tim Gibson will be coming along to give us a talk on The Secrets behind the Success of The Low Cost Airlines

Tim is an ex Tornado Navigator and airline training captain, having just taken on a roll as a university Senior lecturer, incorporating head of the university pilot training programmes.

16th February 2022
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Film Night

We were due to have Tim Gibson to give us a talk on "The Secrets behind the Success of The Low Cost Airlines", but unfortunatley he can not make it now, so with a bit of jiggling Tim's talk has been rescheduled for the next momths meeting on March 16th

As it was a bit too short notice to arrange another speaker, it has been decided to go with one of our stop-gap ideas and have another film/video evening. The last one seemed to go down quite well and it also give us a chance to try out the audio/visual equipment in the new hall. Hopefully we will show an interesting aviation documenatry, so it won’t be an evening of just loads of “Youtube” clips!

NOTE: CANCELLED due to power outage at the Village Hall and local area.

19th January 2022
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Discussion on Aircraft Group Ownerships

This month, by request from members, we have a discussion evening around 'Group Aircraft Ownership' and considerations thereof etc.

Please note that we will still subject to some community hall requirements (optional to wear masks in the meeting but do need to wear them when moving around the hall's public areas etc.)