Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2007
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Strut Meetings / Events 2007
19th December 2007 Strut meeting - at Crowfield for the annual Christmas Quiz !!

Could you please let Tony ( ) know if you are planning on attending the Christmas Quiz on Wednesday 19th December at Crowfield as he is arranging refreshments so need to know numbers for catering purposes !
21st November 2007 Strut Meeting - Sorrel Horse for drinks and chat....
12th November Strut visit to BBC Radio Suffolk.

A strut visit to BBC Radio Suffolk has been arranged for Monday 12th November which starts at 19:15 and lasts for about 90 minutes

Numbers are limited to a maximum of 20 so please email Tony at if you would like to attend.

Directions & parking for BBC Radio Suffolk (pdf 21kb)
16th October 2007 Strut Meeting at Boxted Village Hall : Illustrated Talk by Ken Wallis

We will be joining the Boxted Historical Group (to save Ken 2 trips to this area on consecutive evenings) for what should be an excellent evening.

There is an admission charge of £4, but seats will be reserved for Strut members.

Therefore so the BAHG know how many seats to reserve could you please email if you are planning to attend - Thank you

For those that can not make this, Ken will also be giving a talk for the Breckland Strut at 7:30pm on 3rd October at the Club house Tibenham - No entry fee, but donations to Flixton Museum (one of Ken Charities)
19th September 2007 Strut Meeting at Crowfield : Talk by Stan Hodgkins

Stan will be talking about his time as the test pilot for Martin-Baker, which consisted of firing out test seats (with dummies) from the back of a Meteor. He will also being giving a history of the company with slides and videos.
15th August 2007 Visit to Ken Wallis Autogyros at Reymerston Hall.

Please arrange to arrive at Reymerston Hall by 6:30pm so that the tour can start promptly and the best use made of the available time and daylight - Ken normally does a demonstration flight in one of his autogyros.

Reymerston Hall is just east of Shipdham airfield as shown on these maps & aerial photos

or pdf version (211kb) of the web page

or interactive on the web on Google Maps

There is no limit on numbers, but could you please email *ASAP* if you are attending so that we can get an idea of who is coming, and so that we may be able to arrange some car sharing.

Although Ken does not charge for the tour, we will be taking a collection which will be donated to one of his nominated Charities. (Norfolk & Suffolk Aviation Museum / RAFA Wymondham Branch)

21 Attendees (as of 22:00 14th Aug)
Martyn Steggalls & Angelika Voss
Tony Turner
Phil Newson
Mick Gill & Leo Brome (2 seats available)
Tim Mobbs +1 (seats available from Long Stratton Norfolk)
Adrian Bleese
Bob Wesley
David Worth (possibly 3 seats available)
Brian Ell
Brian Webberley
Pete Wensak +2
Jim Seymour +1 (can offer seats/or share from Ipswich)
Nigel Walker +1
Graham Gunby

Please note - In Shipdham high street there are 2 sets of traffic lights due to roadworks before the airfield turn off. Apparently this work is going on for the next three months, including total road closure at some time in Aug!! Be prepared for delays or try alternative backdoor route.....

4th August 2007 Strut 'picnic' flyout to Little Snoring.

Aim to arrive between 11 and 12 and for everyone to bring their own food.

For those that are interested we could also make an excursion to Seal-spot at Blakeney and land at Weybourne which is a really interesting experience for those that have not been there before!
18th July 2007 The usual default plan i.e. the Sorrel Horse for drinks and chat....
27th June 2007 Strut BBQ - 6.30 pm, at Crowfield.

Food will be supplied (burgers, sausages, salads etc) and although a small contribution will be requested per head to cover costs. Please bring your own drinks.

If you want to fly-in please book slots with Andrew Williamson and remember you will have to depart before 19:45.

Could those who want to attend but have not yet confirmed this, please email Tony at by 20th June so that he can plan the correct food quantities.
16th/17th June 2007 Air-Britain Fly-in

With the Fly-in now not far away, its time to draw up a list of those who will be able to come down and help out.

For those not aware, the Air-Britain fly-in is an annual event, which although open to any visiting aircraft, is normally themed around anniversaries of particular types - this years featured aircraft are the Piper Cub, Tipsy Nipper, and Beagle Pup. All owners of these types should have received a personal invite. Also this year as there is no national PFA Rally, it was decided to include a particular welcome to PFA Types for which there will be a dedicated parking area, managed by members of the local struts, along with a PFA exhibition stand.

The tasks we be performing will be marshalling of the PFA aircraft, meeting and greeting, and helping out on the National Road show Stand - so all in all much as we have done in the past at our own Boxted event.

For those wishing to fly in there is NO landing fee, but note that this event is strictly PPR so please make sure you phone 01992-524510 for your slot. Try not to leave this to late, otherwise you may find your preferred time already gone (slots are normally done in half hourly blocks). Although if you mention that you are from the Suffolk Coastal Strut and coming in to help, they should be aware of this an try their best to fit you in.

If coming by Road on Saturday, please be aware that the airfield also hosts a market this day, so the roads around the airfield will be very busy with long tail backs and could take you some time to get to in. The market entrance is first and you may find that as 99% of cars are going in here the marshaller may try to force you that way too - just ignore him and continue on to the 'live' airfield entrance.

Therefore could any one who is willing to come down to North Weald and help out please email with the following details:
  • names of those coming
  • days attending (Sat/Sun/Both)
  • [estimated] times or arrival and departure
  • method of arrival (air/road)
  • if you are camping over night
  • postal address (if arriving by road)
For those coming by road I will send out an entry pass, so that you can get in for free (otherwise its £10 for Vehicle/driver, plus £5 for each additional person)
16th May 2007

Chasing the Morning Sun

How long would it take you to log 162 hours?

Well it took Manuel Queiroz just 39 days last year when he became the only pilot ever to circumnavigate the earth in a British homebuilt aircraft. His record breaking flight covered 23,506 nm - 15,659 of which were over water - in his RV6 raising funds and awareness for Cancer Research UK.

On 16 May 2007 Manuel - and hopefully his RV - will be at Crowfield for the Suffolk Coastal Strut meeting at 7-30 PM.
18th April 2007 AGM will take place on Wednesday 18th April, 7.30 pm, at Crowfield.
21st March 2007 Strut meeting - Sun 'n Fun 2006

Strut member Martyn Steggalls will give an illustrated talk about his visit to Sun 'n Fun 2006
27th February 2007 Strut Social Evening

An evening for SCS members, their partners and other local GA aviators (at our invite) at ‘The Lion’, Little Glemham, Suffolk, IP13 0BA – private function for us, Tuesday 27th Feb at 7.30pm.

3 course meal with 3 or 4 selections for each course, the whole pub to ourselves so can have speakers/entertainers.
21st February 2007 Strut meeting - PFA Flyin, North Weald?

Phil Kemp, the main organiser of the Air Britain Flyin, will be here to discuss with the strut its possible involvement in this years Air-Britain Flyin at North Weald (16/17 June) making it, with the help of other local struts, into a 'peripheral' PFA Flyin event.
17th January 2007 Strut meeting - CAA Safety Evening

To be held at The Cedars Hotel, Stowmarket, starting promptly at 19:30