Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2021
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Strut Meetings / Events 2021
15th December 2021
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - Chairmans Quiz & Christmas Nibbles

Regrettably, due to the number of apologies from members stating they won't be attending (not all for Covid reasons) the meeting has been CANCELLED

The December meeting is the annual Christmas drinks and nibbles combined with the Chairman's Quiz, for which Mick is currently working hard on devising another evening of interesting and thought provoking entertainment!

For new members, don't worry it's NOT a serious quiz event, just a laid back fun quiz. It's also very much a social evening, so partners and friends are most welcome to come along and join in the fun.

17th November 2021
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - "Bush Flying in Australia" by Paul Catanach

For our November Strut Meeting we have Paul Catanach coming along to give a talk on Bush Flying in Australia.

A latecomer to aviation Paul Catanach gained his Private Pilot’s Licence aged 30 with Clacton Aero Club on a Piper Cub. Immediately afterward he combined emigration to Australia with a career change and gained a Commercial Pilot’s Licence at Coolangatta in Queensland where he also snagged his first job as an instructor.

After a couple of years teaching flying and theory subjects to trainee private and commercial pilots he combined shameless cronyism with blackmail and won a job based in Darwin in the Northern Territory. This was obviously the booby prize.

Bashing around the bush in a series of clapped-out aircraft Paul carried freight both night and day the length and breadth of the Northern Territory experiencing the delights and perils of the NT’s two seasons, the Dry and the Wet. Despite the best efforts of passengers, live freight, other pilots and wildlife he survived several years before returning to the UK where he is now a training captain operating biz-jets to at least two corners of the Earth.

For fun Paul flys and maintains his own light aircraft under the LAA Permit scheme and is learning to play the didgeridoo. He also had a some-time regular column in Flyer magazine where he rambled on about his time as a bush pilot. Most of the stories were probably lies.

20th October 2021
starting 7:30pm
Strut Meeting - "Above the Law" by Adrian Bleese

The October Strut meeting will be the first in person indoor evening meeting since our social evening at the Highwayman Inn on Feb 2020.

It will also see us trying a new venue - Earl Stonham Village Hall. More details on this and directions etc will follow shortly

Strut member Adrian Bleese will be coming along to give a talk on the 12 years he spent working as a civilian observer on the Suffolk Police Helicopter, which is the subject of his recent book "Above the Law".

SUNDAY 26th September 2021
from 11:00
Strut Meeting - BBQ & Social at Monewden Airfield

After having to restrict the BBQ in June to just 30 and members only, following the extension of the COVID restrictions, we said we would commit to holding a full social BBQ later in the year.

Therefore the meeting for September will be (assuming no new restriction come into force!) a Strut BBQ and Social, where partners can also attend.

As the evenings are starting to draw in, and to give more time for cooking the BBQ, this will be held on SUNDAY 26th September at Monewden from 11am onwards, with food served from about midday, for which there will be a small charge.

Steve has again agreed that those who wish to fly-in can do so.

29th August 2021
from 11:00
Strut Meeting/Event - Monewden Airfield Open Day & Flyin

Note that this event will also be the Struts monthly meeting for August.

The Strut is again supporting Steve and Lisa Eustace with their Monewden Airfield Open Day & Flyin on Sunday 29th August, for which the local villagers have been invited to attend.

While Steve's crew will be looking after the BBQ, we will still need help with some other tasks, including...
- Willing "pushers" to help the Strut marshalling team to man-handle the visiting aircraft on/off parking slots.
- Volunteers to watch over and talk about flying to the visitors in the Aircraft Parking area once it full and opened to the public.

Fly-in from 10am, limited to about 50 aircraft - Landing fee by "donation" and small charge for BBQ

10th July 2021
All Day
Strut Event - Annual Flyin at Monewden

The Suffolk Coastal Struts annual event - The 'Spirit of Boxted' Flyin at Monewden Airfield.

If you wish to flyin please register on our website

23rd June 2021
from 6:30pm
Strut Meeting - BBQ & Social at Monewden Airfield

A week later than the normal 3rd Wednesday of the month, on 23rd June this months meeting will be a BBQ at MONEWDEN Airfield.

This will be the first time since February last year, that we will be meeting in PERSON rather than virtually, and hopefully weather permitting outside.

Food and soft drinks will be provided by the Strut. Serving expected to start at about 7:30pm, although turn up anytime from 6:30pm onwards.

Steve has agreed that those who wish to can fly-in, so as it will be two days after the longest day this should give plenty of daylight to get back home.

Can you please let Martyn Steggalls () know if you will be attending, so that Tony can get right amount of food can organised. Also please confirm if you will be arriving by road or air.

For those coming by road, entrance will be via the airfield gate (NOT the entrance for Steve's house)

19th May 2021
starting at 7:30pm
'Virtual' Strut Meeting - Flying the Dakota by Kath Burnham

For the May meeting Kath Burnham will be giving a talk on Flying the Dakota.

Kath is an experienced Dakota pilot (2,000+ hours), having been Senior Training Captain at Air Atlantique, was involved with the Dakotas over Normandy and and went to India to train the pilots of The Indian Air Force historic flight.

The meeting will again be over ZOOM and Mick will be sending out the invite a few days before the meeting which will be open for people to join from 19:15, with the talk stating at 19:30

Dakotas over Normandy - Douglas C-41A Dakota Hap-penstance departing Duxford

21st April 2021
starting at 7:30pm
'Virtual' Strut Meeting -Strut AGM

The April meeting will be our 'Virtual AGM'. As we couldn't meet in person due to Covid Lockdown and it was considered to be a bit ambitious holding an AGM as our first virtual meeting, we did not have an AGM last year. Although having had virtual meetings almost every month since and we seem to have got the hang of these now, it was considered we should go head with a virtual AGM this year.

So if you can, please attend and support your Strut at our AGM - As well as the general running of the Strut, it's the time everyone can put forward their ideas for meetings, fly-outs, visits etc for the forthcoming year, plus go over plans for this years Boxted Fly-in and AOB you may have....

The meeting will again be over ZOOM and Mick will be sending out the invite a few days before the meeting which will be open for people to join from 19:15, with the AGM stating at 19:30

17th March 2021
starting at 7:30pm
'Virtual' Strut Meeting - Grandma Flew Spitfires

For our March "virtual" meeting, Richard Poad, chairman Maidenhead Heritage Centre, will giving a presentation on Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) entitled "Grandma Flew Spitfires"

The meeting will again be over ZOOM and Mick will be sending out the invite a few days before the meeting which will be open for people to join from 19:15, with talk stating at 19:30

17th February 2021
starting at 7:30pm
'Virtual' Strut Meeting - Return to flight of "Foxy"

For our February "virtual" meeting, Anne Hughes, who produces the Stuts4U section in the LAA magazine, and David Collings will be giving a talk on the rebuild and return to the Skies of "Foxy" the prototype Beagle Pup G-AVDF

The meeting will again be over ZOOM and Mick will be sending out the invite a few days before the meeting which will be open for people to join from 19:15, with talk stating at 19:30

20th January 2021
starting at 7:30pm
'Virtual' Strut Meeting - GASCo Safety Evening Webinar

The Suffolk Coastal Strut will be hosts for a GASCo Safety Webinar which will be taking look at a selection of topical safety issues drawn from recent accident and occurrence reports as well as covering some of the enduring causal factors in fatal accidents. The speakers and panellists will suggest offer advice on how the associated threats can be mitigated.

The webinar, lasting about 90 minutes, will be hosted by GASCo Chief Executive, Mike O'Donoghue accompanied by Regional Safety Officers John Steel, Michael Benson, Nils Jamieson and Keith Thomas, along with special guest speaker Steve Slater, CEO of the Light Aircraft Association.

Please note that this will not be the usual Strut ZOOM meeting, but a GASCo run ZOOM meeting for which you need to click the below link to register and then receive an email with a personal link to the actual ZOOM meeting

Registration link for GASCo Safety Evening Webinar:

Please feel free to forward the registration link (but not your individual link) for this event to any individuals or groups that you think would find it useful