Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2010
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Strut Meetings / Events 2010
15th December 2010 Strut meeting - at Crowfield for the annual Christmas Quiz !!

Meet from 7:30pm, with Quiz starting around 8:00pm.

Drinks and nibbles will be provided - although if you are planning on attending could you please let Tony ( ) know so that can he arrange the right amount of catering !
17th November 2010 Strut Meeting - Talk on Flying the Buccaneer by Group Captain Tom Eeles
7.30 pm, at Crowfield Club house

Tom, who lives locally at Great Ashfield, will be giving us a talk on
'Cat Shots and Deck Landings - flying the Buccaneer from aircraft carriers'.

Between 1966 and 1968, Tom was a pilot on 801 Naval Air Squadron aboard HMS Victorious and HMS Hermes. Then:
  • 1969 - 1971 QFI, 736 Naval Air Sqn. Ejected.
  • 1971 - 1972 QFI, 237 OCU RAF Honington
  • 1972 - 1975 QFI and training officer, 12 Sqdn
  • 1977 - 1980 CFI, 237 OCU
  • 1984 - 1987 OC 237 OCU RAF Lossiemouth

    Tom's total time on the Buccaneer is 2,185 hours, plus about 1,000 hours on the Hunter which was the surrogate for a dual control version.

    He will show a video shot taken on HMS Hermes in 1968.

  • 20th October 2010 Talk by Royal Institute of Navigation on "The Use and Abuse of GPS"

    Presentations for GA Flyers by
  • Mark Batin (MRIN) ex RAF Navigator & current pilot
  • John Gentleman (FRIN) es Head of CAA AIS regulation

    Starting at 19:30 (sharp), please note it will NOT be held at the usual Crowfield Club house but at The Mulberry Suite at Greshams Sports Centre (IP4 3QJ)

    This is situated just within the Ipswich boundary in Tuddenham Road. From the A1214 (Old Ipswich Bypass) roundabout into Tuddenham Road its half a mile, over the railway bridge, just past Seven Hockey Club and directly opposite the Millennium Cemetery.

    The Mulberry Suite is the furthest building in the row from the road, and as indicated by the arrow on this Google Map

    There is a bar on site for drinks and meals: Lounge & Bar Menu

    This evening will be open to non-members, so all welcome.
    There will not be a charge for entry

  • 15th September 2010 Strut Meeting - Crowfield Club House 7:30pm

    Talk by Jim Empson on Ipswich Airport and his flying and all things aviation!!
    5th September 2010 Strut Fly-out to Stow Maries

    Preference is for aircraft to arrived between 11:00 and 12:00.

    Planned are a BBQ and hopefully a tour of the Airfield and workshop

    On the day Phil can be contacted on 07961 055791

    He is keen to promote the link between the Strut and Stow Maries so
    would encourage all to wear their Strut T shirts!

    A info sheet and other details on the airfield has been supplied -

    Further details & maps for Stow Maries can be found on their website

    For those going by road the Postcode is CM3 6RN - Google Maps
    Co-ordinates : N51-40-17.4 E000-37-54.2
    17th August 2010 Strut Meeting - Casual get together for chat, drink and Briefing for Boxted Air Scouts Day.

    With the fly-out to Norton on Sat 21st Aug, and nothing planned for the usual 3rd Wednesday meeting, it was thought to try for a get together at Glenn's again - Although as Glenn can't make the Wednesday, it been set it for the day before, *Tuesday* 17th evening instead

    Glenn will have Barbecue hot and suggest everyone brings what they want to put on it.

    Pool is 28C so bring your budgie smugglers.

    Address is;-
    Green Farm House
    The Green
    IP6 9JX

    You can see it on Google Maps, driveway entrance


    There is a crossroads where the B1078 (Coddenham to Wickham Market) and the B1077 Ipswich to Helmingham meet.

    Take the B1077 North towards Helmingham.

    500 yards up you will find the Wildlife Trust on left. About 100 yards further on Right is entrance to drive where I will hang a windsock.

    Come down drive--plenty room to park

    21st July 2010 Strut Meeting - Casual get together for chat, drink and Boxted debrief.

    Glenn has offered to hold this at his place in Ashbocking, where we can have a few beers by the pool (88f), with maybe a BBQ and even a croquet competition!

    Obviously the weather would need to return to summer for this, otherwise it will down to the Sorrel Horse.

    An update will be posted nearer the time on the decision of the meeting location
    9th June 2010 Strut Meeting -

    This months meeting, a visit to Crowfield from the Colchester Air Scouts, is a *week earlier than usual* and starts promptly at 7PM!

    It will start with a safety briefing and a demonstration circuit - (weather permitting)

    Format will then be to split the scouts into 3 or4 groups and run parallel sessions of around 20 minutes each.

    Sessions and owners are as follows:

    Basic air map reading – Dave Trouse
    1. Airfields
    2. Obstructions / spot heights
    3. Controlled Airspace
    4. Plotting a route

    General aircraft tour & features/difference – Phil Newson / Dave Worth
    1. Control surfaces / wires
    2. Engine parts
    3. Radio
    4. Cockpit – instruments etc

    Preflight checks – Martyn Steggalls / Angelika Voss
    1. Basic walk-around
    2. Notams
    3. Weather

    Basic RT comms & Airfield Operations – Andrew / Ross Williamson
    1. Ground / Air radio phraseology
    2. Airfield markings
    3. Records
    4. Weather
    5. Flight plans

    Where appropriate it would be good if the session owner could produce a fact sheet for their session that could then be given to the scouts.

    There will be a BBQ on the evening

    All to bring unwanted charts / airfield guides etc for donation to the scouts

    Please wear strut shirts if possible and bring yellow jackets if you have them

    19th May 2010 Strut Meeting -

    Showing of a Boxted Video from the Boxted Airfield Historical Group

    Brian Timms should be joining us to give some more information about the fly-in to Norton

    Also discussions to finalise details for the Air Scouts meeting on 9th June and Boxted Flyin on 3rd July.

    2nd May 2010 Fly out to Bentwaters Flyin and Museum visit. THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED

    Likely to be the only opportunity to be able to Fly in Bentwaters this year and we have had a personal invite from the museum to attend. Other groups and flying clubs from Berkshire, Gamston and Stansted area will also be arriving.

    The museum will be open to view, although the airfield tours will unfortunately probably not be operating. Depends on number of volunteers on site that day, but most will likely be involved in running the museum and fly-in....

    However as they now have to provide fire cover there is a £20 landing fee per aircraft payable on the day to cover this. Plus they also now have to be sent a copy of the insurance certificate for each aircraft (this is by request of the airfield owners).

    The also have "slot" period for each group to arrive in - ours is 11:30 to 12:00

    Planning to attend so far are:
     Glenn Read (G-BTON)
     Mick Miles (G-SCSC)
     Tony & David (G-IEJH)
     Roy Ingram (G-ANIE)
     Martyn Steggalls & Angelika Voss (G-BSJU)
     Terry & Barry Smith (G-FELX)

    If anyone else wants to attend then please email Martyn Steggalls at , along with a copy of your insurance certificate which will be forwarded on to the meseum
    21st April 2010 AGM will take place on Wednesday 21st April, 7.30 pm, at Crowfield Club house.

    It would be great for as many as possible of you to come along and help shape the strut activities for the coming year.

    As an added incentive to attend (as if you needed one!), we will also be running an aviation themed photographic competition during the evening. The format of this will be for you to send your entries to Tony Turner before the meeting and he will put them together as a slide show which will be presented at the meeting as well as being judged for a prize.

    Photo's should:
    • Have a (loosely) aviation theme
    • Be taken by the person submitting them
    • Sent to by email with a short description by Sunday 18th April
    Mick Gill will act as judge and we will give prizes for the best in each of the following categories:
    • Best aircraft picture
    • Best action picture
    • Best 'other' picture
    Good Luck!
    10th March 2010 Strut Meeting - This months meeting is actually a week earlier than usual, Wed 10th March - a visit Richard Teverson at Waits Farm to see his Colomban Luciole MC30 - The first UK example which is has almost completed

    Meet 19:00 Waits Farm for short talk by Richard and view the aircraft.

    Waits Farm, Bells Road, Belchamp Walter, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 7AR
    Location on Google Maps

    Following this it has been suggested we reconvene at the Cock & Bell in Long Melford for some supper

    Cock & Bell, Hall Street, Long Melford, CO10 9JR
    Location on Google Maps
    17th February 2010 Strut Social Evening & Dinner - Wednesday 17th February

    An evening for Strut members, their partners and other local GA aviators (at our invite) at The Black Tiles, Martlesham, Suffolk, IP13 0BA

    Please make your selections for each in your partyand send to () .

    Menu        pdf version of the menu (10kb)  

    20th January 2010 Strut Meeting - As we have nothing planned for this month, and it will be rather cold at the Crowfield club house it will be down to the Sorrel Horse for a New Year drink and chat....