Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2013
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Strut Meetings / Events 2013
18th December 2013 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Annual Christmas Quiz !!

Drinks and nibbles will be provided - although if you are planning on attending could you please let Tony ( ) know so that can he arrange the right amount of catering !

20th November 2013 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Unfortunately we have nothing specific planned for this month, but rather than just meet up at the pub, thought we would try something a little different this month - the idea will be to initially meet up at Crowfield where for part the evening we will have viewing of members Boxted photos from over the years, plus anything else any one would like to show... followed by no doubt by a visit to the pub!

Mick will be bringing along his Laptop/Projector, so we need is for those attending to bring along any photos (on CD/USB Stick) they would like to show, although what would be nice to see are any photos of the event itself, aerial shots/airfield/people, rather than just aircraft.

Failing that, anything of aviation interest (even videos) would be good!

16th October 2013 Strut Meeting - Groppo Trail Visit from 7pm

For this months' meeting Strut Member Allan Hampson has offered to open up his workshop at this home in Stradbroke so we can visit to view and discuss the Groppo Trail he and his son are building.

As there is very limited parking at Allan's, suggestion is we meet up at the The Ivy House pub (Serves good food & beer) and then walk the 200 yards down to Alan's in smaller groups.

Parking at the pub car park (although only about 10 spaces) or at the Community Centre car park (about 40 spaces)

On the B1117 in Stradbroke turn into Wilby Road (B1118) and the The Ivy House pub is just on the left and the Community Centre is about 200 yards further along on the right

18th September 2013 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Following the fun of Nav Ex at Boxted, Dave Trouse has volunteered to run through the various correct ways of using the 'Whiz Wheel' and also answer navigation questions and offer tips.

If you have a wiz-wheel (assuming you can remember where it is after you last used it all those years ago!) please do bring it along for a group "wiz-wheeling" session. I'm sure this will lead to lots of debate as no doubt we were all taught different ways of doing it!

Also don't forget those navigation questions or any experiences to wish to share.

15th August 2013

Note :
this is the THURSDAY of the weeke before our normal 3rd Wed meeting date
Strut Meeting - Glenn has offered his place up again this year for a casual get together for chat, drinks, BBQ, swim/Jacuzzi (if you are brave enough), or a game of Croquet... (if you are brave enough)

The Barbecue will be hot and Tony will bring along some burgers left over from Boxted - enough to go around, although of course you can bring your own meat if you don't want a burger - but don't forget to bring along some rolls etc.

Address is;-
Green Farm House
The Green

You can see it on Google Maps, driveway entrance


At the crossroads where the B1078 (Coddenham to Wickham Market) and the B1077 Ipswich to Helmingham meet, take the B1077 North towards Helmingham.

500 yards up you will find the Wildlife Trust on left. About 100 yards further on Right is entrance to drive where I will hang a windsock.

Come down drive--plenty room to park

17th July 2013 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Go over plans for the Boxted Weekend (20/21 July) and then over to the pub!

16th June 2013 Strut Fly-out to Debach.

Note: as we have nothing planned for the June Meeting, this fly-out will be the June Meeting!

Another visit has been arrange by Mick Miles for us to Debach Airfield, by air or by road, to view the Museum and to have a BBQ

£10 donation per aircraft/car towards the museum funds.

Arrive between 11.00 and 12.00 - Use Safety Comm (135.475) - and caution Monewden about a mile to the north.

The guys at Debach will provide the BBQ facilities. We will just need to bring our own food and cook it on the BBQ. Don't forget some Rolls

Drinks and snacks can be purchased in the cafe

For those flying in the 06/24 strip is 500m in length. Details include airfield layout can be found on the airfield plate (pdf 402kb)

Google maps satellite view

Aircraft Parking will be on the hard areas at the each end of the runway, which means there will be no need to back track on landing. If more space is needed at the 06 end we can also use the old roadway. Although these areas have lots of loose stones and is NOT suitable for taxiing with the engine running, so aircraft will need to stop on the grass at the end of the airstrip and then be pulled/pushed onto the parking area and back again for departure.

There will be two helpers at the end of the runway to assist pulling/pushing the aircraft off the grass and onto the parking area. If you have a portable towbar it might be useful bring this along.

Map showing parking areas (pdf 334kb)

15th May 2013 Strut Meeting - - BBQ at Crowfield

Food and soft drinks will be provided and expected to start serving at about 7:30pm, although hopefully if the weather is good people may be around earlier for some flying to take place.

If you are planning to fly don't forget to book your movement slot with the office

17th April 2013 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

The Strut AGM - It would be great for as many as possible of you to come along and help shape the strut activities for the coming year.

20th March 2013 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm at Crowfield Club house

Strut Member Glenn Read will be giving us an insight into the world of Microlights & Helicopters

19th February 2013

Note :
this is the TUESDAY of our normal 3rd Wed meeting date
Strut meal and social evening

Following a discussion at the Decembers strut meeting it was agreed to again arrange an evening meal / social evening for strut members, partners and friends.

This will be held on TUESDAY 19th February at The Highwayman on the A140 near to Crowfield.

We will be using the basement restaurant so can go up to 50 people if we get the demand.

  • Carrot and Coriander Soup (GF)
  • Mushroom Julienne - mixed mushrooms baked in creamy sauce & topped with cheese (GF)
  • Smoked Salmon & Crayfish Salad with chilli and lime dressing (GF)
Main Courses
  • Steak, mushroom and Guinness pie
  • Rib-eye Steak with chips and salad (supplement £2.50) (GF)
  • Chicken Dnipro - grilled Chicken supreme topped with creamy mushroom sauce and cheese (GF)
  • Butternut squash ricotta and spinach crumble
  • White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
  • Vanilla Crème Brûlée (GF)
  • Apple Pie and Custard
  • All items on the menu are subject to availability.
  • All Eggs used are Free-Range.
  • All Meat and Poultry is purchased from local farms and suppliers.
  • Some dishes might contain Nuts therefore, if you are allergic to any foods please advise Tony at the time of ordering.
  • Some meals are able to be adpated to suit your needs, please ask at time of ordering if it is possible.
The cost will be £24.95 per person and the strut will pay for first drink on arrival.

Please let Tony Turner () know if you want to attend and your menu choices ASAP.

16th January 2013 Strut Meeting - This months meeting will be down to the The Highwyaman Pub for a New Year drinks and chat from 7:30pm....