Light Aircraft Association

  LAA Suffolk Coastal Strut
Strut Info 2011
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Strut Meetings / Events 2011
14th December 2011

Note : this is a week earlier than the normal 3rd Wednesday
Strut meeting - at Crowfield for the annual Christmas Quiz !!

Meet from 7:30pm, with Quiz starting around 8:00pm.

Drinks and nibbles will be provided - although if you are planning on attending could you please let Tony () know so that can he arrange the right amount of catering !
16th November 2011 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm (sharp), at Crowfield Club house.

Talk by Howard Cook

Howard has flown the display circuit since 2002 and is a display pilot for Duxford based Historic Aircraft Collection (HAC) and also for Vintage Wings of Canada. He has flown a range of types over the years including Chipmunk of the Red Sparrows Formation Team, plus P51 Mustang, P40 Kittyhawk, Harvard, Spitfire Mk.V, Hurricane and HAC's unique Hawker Nimrod II.

As you may remember Howard had been lined up to give us a talk back in October 2009, but he was unfortunately involved in a fairly nasty accident in Canada at the end of August 2009 while flying a Tiger Moth and was serious injured.

As yet we don't know what the subject of Howard's talk will be, although possibly one of his recent Pilot articles. Whatever it is I sure it will be of great interest.

19th October 2011 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm (sharp), at Crowfield Club house.

A talk by John ‘Smudge’ Smith of the Aircraft Restoration Company, Duxford.

John is ex RAF and as a director of Blenheim (Duxford) Ltd has been involved with the Blenheim for over 30 years including working on both previous ‘MKIV’ rebuilds to flight and the current conversion of the aircraft to MK1 status.

The illustrated talk will cover all aspects of these challenging restorations giving an insight into the story behind the worlds only (soon to be) flyable Blenheim

8th October 2011 Strut Fly-out to Debach.

A visit has been arrange by Mick Miles for us to Debach Airfield, by air or by road, to view the Museum and buildings.

A general welcome from the Museum people will be 11.00 am.

All the buildings will be open and guides provided who are knowledgeable on the numerous exhibits, inclusing some military vehicles . There is also a canteen for tea and coffee.

There is a lot to see, so it could take up to 2 hours (depending on how much time you spend looking at the numerous exhibits).

The visit includes the opportunity to fly into Debach on the day. The 06/24 strip is 500m in length. Details include airfield layout can be found on the airfield plate (pdf 402kb)

Google maps satellite view

Arrivals from 10am onwards to save a last minute rush to land and park

Aircraft Parking will be on the hard areas at the each end of the runway, which means there will be no need to back track on landing. If more space is needed at the 06 end we can also use the old roadway. Although these areas have lots of loose stones and is NOT suitable for taxiing with the engine running, so aircraft will need to stop on the grass at the end of the airstrip and then be pulled/pushed onto the parking area and back again for departure.
There will be two helpers at the end of the runway to assist pulling/pushing the aircraft off the grass and onto the parking area. If you have a portable towbar it might be useful bring this along.

Map showing parking areas (pdf 334kb)

The owner of the farm will collect pilots and passengers in a restored military vehicle and take them to the meeting point.

Suggest using SAFETYCOM 135.475 for communications - and caution Monewden about a mile to the north.

21st September 2011 Strut Meeting - This month will be a "Drinks and Chat" evening at the Sorrel Horse from 7:30pm

We will a debrief on the September Boxted Fly-in

24th August 2011 Strut Meeting - Casual get together for chat, drink and swim (if you are brave enough)

Note this the Wednesday after our usual meetind date

Glenn will have Barbecue hot and suggest everyone brings what they want to put on it.

Address is;-
Green Farm House
The Green

You can see it on Google Maps, driveway entrance


There is a crossroads where the B1078 (Coddenham to Wickham Market) and the B1077 Ipswich to Helmingham meet.

Take the B1077 North towards Helmingham.

500 yards up you will find the Wildlife Trust on left. About 100 yards further on Right is entrance to drive where I will hang a windsock.

Come down drive--plenty room to park

13th August 2011 Boxted Strut Day - from 10:30am at Boxted

Chance for members (and a few invited guests) to have a relaxing day at Boxted witha BBQ and some flying. Those wishing to flying please contact for details on flying in and the frequency in use for the day.

20th July 2011 Strut Meeting - This month will be a "Drinks and Chat" evening at the Sorrel Horse from 7:30pm

We will discuss and agree the date for rescheduled Boxted Fly-in

15th June 2011 Strut Meeting - 7.30 pm, at Crowfield Club house.

Steve Bridgewater will be coming along to give us a talk on his attempt at the 2009 Dawn to Dusk event. Steve is an aviation journalist and is now commercial manager at the AirBase(*) Collection, Coventry. Steve will be coming down from Nottingham, so again please do come along if you can to give Steve a good audience.

(*) AIRBASE is housed in 35,000sq ft hangar at historic Coventry Airport and forms the home for more than 30 aircraft operated by the Air Atlantique Classic Flight.

18th May 2011 BBQ at Crowfield.

This is being held in conjunction with Andrew Williamson and he is inviting the aircraft owners that are based at the airfield as well so a great PR opportunity and a chance to recruit some of them to join the strut!

Food and soft drinks will be provided and we will be starting earlier than normal at 6:30 as that will give time hopefully for some flying to take place but I will keep the BBQ running for at least a couple of hours if you need to arrive later.

PLEASE can you let () know if you plan to attend so that he can organise the right amount of food

20th April 2011 The Strut AGM will take place on Wednesday 20th April, 7.30 pm, at Crowfield Club house.

It would be great for as many as possible of you to come along and help shape the strut activities for the coming year.

16th March 2011 Strut Meeting - As we had the Strut Social Evening the other week, and the that fact we have nothing else planned for March, this months meeting we be a "Drinks and Chat" evening at the Sorrel Horse from 7:30pm
2nd March 2011 Strut Social Evening & Dinner - Wednesday 2nd March

An evening for Strut members, their partners and other local GA aviators (at our invite) at The Tuddenham Fountain, The Street, Tuddenham, IP6 9BT

Currently approx 22 people have responded that they wish to attend and as the room holds 30 there are still a few spaces left. If you have not yet replied and want to come along then please contact () .

16th February 2011 Strut Meeting - Talk on PPRuNe by Robin Lloyd

Crowfield Airfield Club House at 19:30

For this months meeting new strut member Robin Lloyd will be giving us a talk on PPRuNe - the Professional Pilots Rumour Network. This is an Internet forum catering to airline pilots and others in the aviation industry and includes GA.

Robin was one of the co-founders and continues to help run it today - Should be quite interesting.

19th January 2011 Strut Meeting - As we have nothing planned for this month, and it will be rather cold at the Crowfield club house it will be down to the Sorrel Horse for a New Year drink and chat....